I am down with anyone who is willing to dig deep and take on the beauty industry. Insular, price fixed and driven mainly by advertising but rarely results, it’s obscene they get away with it and have for 6 decades and counting. If auto manufacturers had the marketing leeway the beauty industry does we’d all be in Bentleys that never leave the driveway. I can’t wait to read more from you!

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So happy you're here!!

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Loved hearing your voice Jessica! Great interview ❤️😘

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Thank you!!

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Amazing! Congrats Jessica!

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Thank you Sari!!

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I mentioned you and The Unpublishable the other day when I was on a panel at Digital Book World in Manhattan. They asked us for examples of great newsletters...

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Omg that makes me so happy

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Jessica, I heard you on The Active Voice. I'm happy to know that you're in the universe. This, has been the resounding feeling of mine since discovering Substack...just happy that you (and others) are in the universe and writing. Honestly, before walking into the spa that is my plastic surgeon's office I hadn't given the beauty industry much thought but...as I looked at the manufactured "beauty" around me it all struck me as so odd and real and yet...clearly not real. I love Hamish's guests, so I would have listened anyway but when I turned it on and I heard his intro, I knew I was meant to listen. I was in that doctor's office because I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and he is rebuilding what had to be taken away. And now this world of beauty and health come crashing together and I'm smack dab in the middle of it. I'm sorry that your mom went through this. I'm sorry that you had to alongside her, but am happy you were home with her. What a blessing. Anyway, this is getting quite long winded and I pride myself on brevity. I have a Substack as well. Dear John. I'd love for you to check it out...when I first started it I was simply writing letters that I wanted to write, now, I'm writing to my new house guest, Candace. Your mom might like it or she may have friends who can relate. Either way, happy you're in the world and writing what you want to write. Good luck with your book!

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