You consistently have me screeching with these one-liners and the steak knife one SENT ME.

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I swear to god... Shit like that was prescribed to my by my dermatologists when I was as young as 12 yo. Bleaching my bedsheets and clothing, never telling me I need to absolutely wear sunscreen. That damaged me so much and the acne never got better. I was so desperate that cutting the zits off with a steak knife doesn't even sound that absurd.

Thank you for all the work and effort, Jessica. Now I only have a PH neutral facewash without soap in it and I still break out a little bit sometimes when my hormones get going because of my period - thanks to you I now know that THAT IS FUCKING OK AND NORMAL and that my skin isn't bad it is simply doing it's job and sometimes showing me that I am in a certain phase of my cycle. I hate, hate, hate all that bullshit more and more every day that tells us that we're not good enough and need to consume our way to absolution. The inquisition with their letters of indulgence is here and it is a corrupt capitalist skin MLM scheme.

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So...what do you think of Retin-A (Tretinoin cream) for adult acne? Rx by a dermatologist? TYIA!

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Your head must still be spinning from the U-turn. Well done! I'm sure whoever has the magic has absolved you of any residual sin. Be well.

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I thought you’d like this gem from skincare brand Lyme

“When was the last time you were truly happy? When you woke up after 8 hours of sleep? That feeling you get after an exceptionally great holiday? Lyma will help you capture that moment, when everything is in balance, and you have the confidence to take advantage that everything life has to offer. You, naturally engineered to reach your potential. Ready to make your move.”

What in the actual fuck?

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This makes me hyperventilate with horror. But also it's funny.

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Wow, someone actually lifted from the fake butter advert in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?

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I definitely used benzoyl peroxide as a teen because of one of these articles...

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I swore that Pro-Active made my son’s acne worse. What a scam and a real nightmare to get out of the subscription.

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As a former dermatologist who has always been on your wavelength, keep up the good work!

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Ugh! Wish I could go back and save my 11 year old self from many, many future tubs of foul-smelling prescription-grade benzoyle peroxide! Thanks for all your research and for sharing it 💚

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The nauseating voices of derms paying PR firms to get their names out, no matter what the subject.

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Pretty much everything you have been saying about skin being an organ and part of an intrinsic system, although the author of this article does take it into the more usual "beauty" realms: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230823-the-curious-ways-your-skin-shapes-your-health

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