Another great take on the beauty industry. All I can think of now is Soylent Green (for you young’uns, that’s the MOVIE not the drink-see it if you never have).
If they make us yummy enough will we then be food for the 10%? 🤭
Another great take on the beauty industry. All I can think of now is Soylent Green (for you young’uns, that’s the MOVIE not the drink-see it if you never have).
If they make us yummy enough will we then be food for the 10%? 🤭
Another great take on the beauty industry. All I can think of now is Soylent Green (for you young’uns, that’s the MOVIE not the drink-see it if you never have).
If they make us yummy enough will we then be food for the 10%? 🤭