Great edition this week! O’Connell’s NYT piece on microplastics is a MUST READ. This is something I first learned about in the 2000’s and am firmly convinced the generational increases in auto-immune diseases (RA, MG, IBS/Crohnes, Epstein-Barre, MS and the like) breast cancers and more could be squarely attributed to continual micro-pois…
Great edition this week! O’Connell’s NYT piece on microplastics is a MUST READ. This is something I first learned about in the 2000’s and am firmly convinced the generational increases in auto-immune diseases (RA, MG, IBS/Crohnes, Epstein-Barre, MS and the like) breast cancers and more could be squarely attributed to continual micro-poisoning like this, if only 😱there was a way to research these things. If you’re a human in your 50’s/60’s and younger you’ve been subject to this poisoning your entire life. And there’s no way to avoid it. There is an argument to be made that better testing might be why we’re finding these stealthy diseases, but in women especially, a decade or more can pass before getting that diagnosis, so, not sure that argument holds. If there was concrete proof would we ever be told? I’m not counting on our corporate overlords to be the ones coming down on the side of good health vs successful commerce. We could delve deeply into Pharmas ‘keep America sick’ campaign here, even join it with the beauty industry who keep us insecure. It’s a gnarly family tree writers have pondered time and again. I’m not expecting answers in MY lifetime. But read the piece, informed is armed.
Great edition this week! O’Connell’s NYT piece on microplastics is a MUST READ. This is something I first learned about in the 2000’s and am firmly convinced the generational increases in auto-immune diseases (RA, MG, IBS/Crohnes, Epstein-Barre, MS and the like) breast cancers and more could be squarely attributed to continual micro-poisoning like this, if only 😱there was a way to research these things. If you’re a human in your 50’s/60’s and younger you’ve been subject to this poisoning your entire life. And there’s no way to avoid it. There is an argument to be made that better testing might be why we’re finding these stealthy diseases, but in women especially, a decade or more can pass before getting that diagnosis, so, not sure that argument holds. If there was concrete proof would we ever be told? I’m not counting on our corporate overlords to be the ones coming down on the side of good health vs successful commerce. We could delve deeply into Pharmas ‘keep America sick’ campaign here, even join it with the beauty industry who keep us insecure. It’s a gnarly family tree writers have pondered time and again. I’m not expecting answers in MY lifetime. But read the piece, informed is armed.