lmaooo "politics-free zone" yeah this is sooo unpolitical. It'd be sad if this was a politics-free zone! It would feel hollow.

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lol I thought that at first too but I think they mean free from the politics of advertiser-media relations ;)

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that makes more sense loll

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Thank you, as always. I’ve been wanting to talk to my teenage nieces about the anti-aging skincare obsessions they’re currently swimming (drowning?) in. I’ll use this as a jumping off point.

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aunt of a teenage niece here too who is very much into this world, not sure about anti-aging but definitely buying into a specific aesthetic. Due to the dynamics of my husband's family I am not really in a position to say anything but I wish I could!!

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I hear that, for sure!

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I asked a friend of mine what her step daughter wanted for her 11th birthday and the answer was a product fridge. An 11 year old wanted a small fridge to keep in her room so her skincare products would be cold… it’s enough to make you scream.

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Wow, this makes me sad :(

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the first thing i read from you was about how you stopped doing your nails.

it was the validation i needed to stop getting gel manicures, which i'd been contemplating anyway because of the price, the time it took out of my day, and mostly how thin and mangled my nails were from being painfully sanded down by the dremel.

regarding performative beauty: my refusal is a different kind of performance, one that feels more meaningful to me. though i think most people might just see that refusal as simple negligence.

wondering when i'll reach my stopping point with botox; every time i get it, i think about how i probably shouldn't keep doing it every few months for the next 20 years.

i always look forward to these newsletters :)

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Drew, I stopped doing my nails also, for both of the reasons you mention, cost and the nail damage. Since keeping my nails natural, I have no desire to get my nails done.

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The interview about teen obsession with skincare and the idea that it is really just "a more socially acceptable form of control and physical manipulation of the body to a very strict standard of appearance" . .. . . punch in the gut. As the aunt of a niece 100% into this whole world and the mother of an 8 year old trying to give her as much childhood as possible this topic is important to me and I love being able to read others who are always aware of it.

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Thrilled by all the attention, so well-deserved. xo

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Love to see your words reverberating through the universe 💫 a much needed perspective, thank you for your work!!

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This is such a great piece

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am WEEPING because idk about you guys but I just love this substack so much?? like it is my favorite / only part of my "beauty routine"?? and I wrote a post literally a month ago about exactly this. inspired by lots of Jess's previous writing. why am I calling her Jess we are not friends? Anyway one could almost call it fan fiction. (or just, engaging thoughtfully with a thoughtful writer I adore and other beauty thoughts I think). if you want to make my or your day, read it here!! https://madelineperkins.substack.com/p/you-cant-see-your-own-face (did I just promote myself in substack comments?? yes. did I succeed at doing it non-cringe-ly?? you tell me. or.....don't hahahaha bye now)

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phew, excited to take the time to go through all these publications and congrats on all the coverage jessica! 🫡💖

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Jessica, every read reinforces that you are the genius I have been searching for.

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