Can we take a second to appreciate that link paragraph? So many good articles. Long time Unpublishable reader here to say this newsletter’s been an invaluable resource for working through my appearance anxiety and cultivating a healthier relationship with my skin. Thank you Jessica for your amazing work and congrats on going viral!!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Jessica DeFino

1. You are a badass.

2. “Beauty products can only replace the confidence that beauty standards stole,” yes, yes, 💯 YES!!!!!

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jessica DeFino

A lot of what you write makes me so uncomfortable in the best way. My knee-jerk reaction is "oh that's absurd"/"that's dirty" and then I wonder- when did I start thinking of my own body as dirty? What if I stopped assigning moral value to the normal processes of my body? Thank you. Reading your work cracks a part of my brain open and makes me look around and take inventory. So unbelievably grateful for you & your voice.

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Thank you for creating a space like this to support your work outside of Instagram. It feels so free and authentic to read your newsletter this way. Enjoying it so much! xo

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White is the beauty of standard

kardashian realised this and got butt reduction of weightloss and thousands of stupid white Kardashian now has to live with their implants lol

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