My immediate family lives in a rural area far from the coasts where all these beauty trends start. In the last couple years, these procedures have become available to them with local doctors offering injections ... if they can afford it. Now that it's accessible to ordinary women, it makes sense that the people who set the trend are look…
My immediate family lives in a rural area far from the coasts where all these beauty trends start. In the last couple years, these procedures have become available to them with local doctors offering injections ... if they can afford it. Now that it's accessible to ordinary women, it makes sense that the people who set the trend are looking for something new. We are always aspiring up, and when too many common folks have reached that aspiration, it's time to set the new benchmark for beauty. Everyone keeps striving, and no one ever finds contentment!
spot on! Regular folk will always chase that of the trend setting celebrities. I feel like just when everyone catches up... they got the contouring down, fillers down, small waist thick behind etc, the Kardhashians switch it up on us making themselves and their standards that much further to never. ends. over it!
My immediate family lives in a rural area far from the coasts where all these beauty trends start. In the last couple years, these procedures have become available to them with local doctors offering injections ... if they can afford it. Now that it's accessible to ordinary women, it makes sense that the people who set the trend are looking for something new. We are always aspiring up, and when too many common folks have reached that aspiration, it's time to set the new benchmark for beauty. Everyone keeps striving, and no one ever finds contentment!
this is exactly it! upper classes will always find new ways to distinguish themselves from regular folk.
Yep. It reminds me of Kim Kardashian popularizing the BBL and then removing her own once it became too attainable to too many "regular" women.
That’s a GREAT point! I think you nailed it right here!!!
This is such a great point
Star-bellied sneeches...
spot on! Regular folk will always chase that of the trend setting celebrities. I feel like just when everyone catches up... they got the contouring down, fillers down, small waist thick behind etc, the Kardhashians switch it up on us making themselves and their standards that much further to never. ends. over it!