Just another unattainable trend. The trend was bigger lips, now it’s unfilled lips, and at the end of the day millions of dollars have been spent to achieve one standard and are being converted to another, but large lips are still desired - and obtaining them unnaturally is further stigmatized. Great piece!
Just another unattainable trend. The trend was bigger lips, now it’s unfilled lips, and at the end of the day millions of dollars have been spent to achieve one standard and are being converted to another, but large lips are still desired - and obtaining them unnaturally is further stigmatized. Great piece!
I think you really hit the nail on the head with 'unattainable'. or the illusion it's just thiiiis close to being attainable if you invest 75% of your time, energy. Like rather than chase other things, we're told we have to be perfect/fit this look.
it's a way to make us continue to stay in the effed up trend cycle.
Just another unattainable trend. The trend was bigger lips, now it’s unfilled lips, and at the end of the day millions of dollars have been spent to achieve one standard and are being converted to another, but large lips are still desired - and obtaining them unnaturally is further stigmatized. Great piece!
I think you really hit the nail on the head with 'unattainable'. or the illusion it's just thiiiis close to being attainable if you invest 75% of your time, energy. Like rather than chase other things, we're told we have to be perfect/fit this look.
it's a way to make us continue to stay in the effed up trend cycle.