Thank you for this! I’m hoping you can discuss SKIMS new “nipple bra” which unfortunately seems like another part of our bodies that is subject to scrutiny. This bra encourages a concept of what nipples should look like - doesn’t it? And now SKIMS has an official partnership with the NBA which is just going to give it more exposure. I may be way off base as I know we could probably dive into bras in general pushing unrealistic beauty standards, but the fake nipples just seems a step in the wrong direction. Or maybe I’m just a grumpy Xennial.

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Brilliant, wonderful, thank you! What you're talking about here relates to my next post, too, about the trend of preadolescent and adolescent girls adopting multistep skincare routines. The lack of critical thought behind the trend astonishes me...though it shouldn't. xo

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Jessica - I am sure you have seen this article in The Guardian today but posting here on the off chance that you haven't. https://www.theguardian.com/wellness/2023/nov/01/wellness-industry-healthcare-women-stress

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Maaaaaaaan, I went to that plastic surgeon's instagram, BODY HORROR TO THE MAX! Absolutely beautiful women being injected over and over, their faces dotted with blood, to look very very slightly different afterwards.

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I guess the statute of limitations has run out against 90s Supermodels and fashion magazines for making me feel like a fat troll most of my life?

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u are so so amazing

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