i stopped wearing makeup years ago so my prominent under eye bags are always visible - but was constantly fighting to manage my adult acne bc can't possibly have both. recently cut out most products other than basic face wash and SPF bc nothing was helping and it was stressing me out too much to think about it constantly! but we'll see if i go back eventually.
i stopped wearing makeup years ago so my prominent under eye bags are always visible - but was constantly fighting to manage my adult acne bc can't possibly have both. recently cut out most products other than basic face wash and SPF bc nothing was helping and it was stressing me out too much to think about it constantly! but we'll see if i go back eventually.
i stopped wearing makeup years ago so my prominent under eye bags are always visible - but was constantly fighting to manage my adult acne bc can't possibly have both. recently cut out most products other than basic face wash and SPF bc nothing was helping and it was stressing me out too much to think about it constantly! but we'll see if i go back eventually.