Super interested in intact, gotta add that to my to read list.

Kind of random thought but had to share (god knows I can't bring this up at Christmas dinner with my relatives!) As I'm reading Post-colonial astrology, Kat highlights some thinkers like Ervin Goffman that I think highlights some interesting issues for beauty + society. 'liberal societies are held together by modes of everyday theater.' And yet, we know on some level that performance/surveillance and so 'authenticity becomes elevated to morality'.

I think women see this bind through beauty and makeup. The pressure of everyday physical theater to be part of society. And yet, beauty augmentation (makeup, physical alteration) is also seen as a lie/manipulation. Women are supposed to be beautiful, but effortlessly so in some ways. It should be 'real'.

Femininity then, becomes a piece of capitalism/liberal politics in the sense that we have a role to perform, and do it in a way that is beguiling yet still 'authentic'. Surprising to no one on this list, there's no winning. There's only an ideal, we are all auditioning for, and few/if any can actually land the role.

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This is one of my favorite musings so far. It’s like, I knew this subconsciously but saying it all out loud... whoa.

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I think I'd like this article better if you didn't link to all the Christmas Gift Packs.

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The link is for journalistic purposes, to prove they exist. Unfortunately if I’m going to be credible, I’m going to have to link to outrageous things once in a while. These are not affiliate links. These are *sources* :)

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