YOU FUCKING ROCK!!! And I love you, thank you for all you do. I hope to subscribe here until my daughter, 5 years, is old enough to read this brilliance. I am devastated and angry, heartbroken, that she is already OBSESSED with how she looks and how other people view her. I don’t know what to do, except repeatedly comment about all her other amazing qualities in the hopes that some of it will stick. It is TERRIFYING that she has a mother who is hairy, saggy, unmodified, and makeup free and yet she still is succumbing to this system of oppression. Today she asked me: Why does Dada work but not you Mama? Why don’t you work? So we got to talk about Invisible Labor, but still… How?! Why?! What am I doing wrong?!!!


Looking forward to more of you in the New Year!

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I know there's more here than just what you said about yourself, but I just want to say it's such a relief to hear those words, "hairy, saggy, unmodified, and makeup free". I too am all these things and just noticed more grey hair, which omg, sit down for this, I CELEBRATED. I ran in to show my husband. What has happened and is happening to us that we as women buy into this messaging? How do we stop it? It seems impossible when every woman I know does at least botox, but most of them a dozen other things to their face and hair. I just want them to understand that they're not just buying into a system that is set up to _make them fail_ but that they are building the system that undermines them, _and_ all the young women coming up under us.

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I love that you celebrate the Grey! I too said something much similar to my partner just the other day. How I now look forward to being a white haired Hag and all the wisdom and life I’ve had the privilege to learn and experience.

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Yes! I don't want to look like I'm trying to look like I'm 25. I spent a decade in the tropics and all my wrinkles and age spots remind me of my fabulous life there on the beach. We're supposed to LIVE this life, not be trying to undo the living we've done.

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She's still super young and just curious. In 10 years time, I think you'll breathe a huge sigh of relief as you are and will be a way bigger influence than anyone else she comes across. My daughter is 11 and I was worried too but now I see her sense of identity is much stronger and she can enjoy the fun part of bonding with friends over makeup, etc...but she's calm and secure in how she looks and even disapproves of friends who want to modify their looks too much. So you're not doing anything wrong - you sound like an awesome Mum.

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In tears, thank you!

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I'm terrified and disgusted and depressed by the predictions you laid out because they align so well with the capitalistic patriarchal slight of hand where big (fill in the blank industry) gets our attention focused on the shiny things so it can further steal our freedom and autonomy. Every single woman in America (also the world) should read this newsletter.

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Thanks for sharing these subscriber numbers, I always think it's so helpful to see what other people's look like. I think you do some of the best work on the internet and I'm happy to pay to support that in whatever small way I can. I look forward to continuing to read it in 2024!

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I just love you and look forward to being an ongoing paid subscriber as we navigate a likely clusterfuck of a year. Thank you for doing what you do! You truly are a voice of reason in my head every time I consider injecting my tear troughs and risking blindness to hide the reality that I am in fact a tired doctor with shift work bags under my eyes. ✨💖💅

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Uh, bleak, bru, but probably pretty accurate. Every single accolade and recognition is very deserved! xo

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These forecasts chilled me to the bone. A part of me is enraged that people's genuine desire to heal and be whole, is being mercilessly exploited by corporations for some unattainable standard. And it's terrible for the planet.

I'm glad your work is getting out there more and more. I will continue to share it and do my little part to resist these insidious forces of repression.

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I know it's just the intro of this post, but so happy to see your continued success and ever-growing recognition, congratulations and beyond well deserved !!!

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I’m very happy you are being recognized as a “common sense, common good” influence in the crazy and somewhat pathetic world of beauty.

You deserve every accolade.

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Love to see your work reaching more people and receiving much-deserved accolades! It wouldn't be an over-statement to say that your writing has not only changed the way I think about beauty but also helped to change my life. I wish every woman the kind of bone-deep peace and acceptance that comes with deprogramming from beauty propaganda. Your predictions are most likely right, and I am disturbed at the increased push for beauty in more areas that ever before--but I'm also heartened to see an ever-growing community of women determined to push back.

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Thank you, thank you, Jessica. The emperor has no clothes!!! It’s your work that grounds me again and again, reminding me to refocus rather than be distracted by the hypnotic illusion that certain individual, physical attributes are worthy of time and energy -- time and energy that is desperately needed for other pursuits.

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You so nailed it! Nauseating and dizzying number of ways people can waste money....

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My (sagging) jaw dropped by the time I got to the end of your predictions.

Recently my husband and I saw a human presenting as female but we had not seen such a face. I thought it looked like vinyl. My husband said its mask-like quality reminded him of the professional geishas he had met in Japan.

I’m old enough to have started with Ten-O-Six and Noxzema.

I can’t begin to know how one “achieves” a faceless face like that but I suspect it’s in your notes.

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It's gonna be a LONG year. thank God for you, jessica, thank God for you.

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Wow congratulations Jessica, we subscribers already knew how terrific you are but it must be so nice to feel it from just about everywhere! Don’t forget to celebrate!🎄😘💕

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Great accomplishments. Congrats. Keep up the good work.

Like other sectors, desperation and bad sense seem too present. Some of the mashups seem silly and flash in the pan some more serious and harmful. Kind of a comment, kind of a question.... how and where do tattoos figure into cosmetics? I don't have nor want any and don't really understand the culture around it. It seems somewhat separate but then at times conjoined. I'd love for you to do a deep dive Jessica. And what if face tattoos and botox come together? It's bound to be, right?

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It’s the “Happy New Year!” for me.

You’re a gem.

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