Loved this! Though I have a hard time seeing fashion or clothing as less insidious than beauty. I know they shouldn’t be intertwined, but the way the modern clothing industry operates seems so separate from personal expression and so much more closely linked to Beauty ™️ and prescriptive ideas about patriarchal appearance. I find fashion has become joyless to me since gaining weight for this reason, I wish it didn’t :(

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Sure, and that is why I very purposely am not comparing fashion culture to beauty culture here, which are both corrupted by gendered:fatphobic/other discriminatory expectations. I’m comparing clothing and cosmetics, objects which scientifically affect the body and brain in different ways.

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Oh totally! Sorry if this came of as disagreement with your post — I didn’t intend it to but I now see how it reads that way.

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Lol not at all! (And it’s fine to disagree with me!) It just seemed like we were talking about different things and I wanted to clear that up.

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You always make connections that would have never ocurred to me, part of why I love following you so much!

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I feel a very strong case can be made for the return of the MuMu ( alternate spelling)

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Especially if we can tie wearing the muumuu with references to Zippy the Pinhead of Bill Griffith's creation. Zippy's signature look.

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YES to big boobs as fashion barrier 😩

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What a fabulous subject you make Jess! As a relatively confident person (I dunno, either I was born this way or it developed as a result of my fight or flight childhood…) I’m so envious of the bohemian style of expression via clothing…something I can’t do well with confidence! Being confident and pragmatic I’m a (horrors) basics gal. I have the sense of style but not innately- I am unable to express it very well from day to day. One day I manage to kill it somehow (by accident I imagine), the next I’m hopelessly clueless and end up looking like a dork (to borrow the most feared accusation from 7th grade) or opt for black top/black pants out of frustration. 😄 SO..you may not FEEL confident or think you are but trust me, you have a sense of it I will never possess! PS I remember those purses with the clocks!!! My best friend had one, (altho we were in our 30’s in the mid 90’s. Another style maven in my midst!)

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Jessica, thank you for introducing us to Dacy Gillespie! I have to admit I took a short excursion to Ebay to look at your bag with the clock, but cooler heads prevailed. I also ADORED your characterization of your style as Shock and Awe! Ma semblable, ma soeur! The one thing I REFUSED to wear was something that ANYBODY else thought was a good idea. This drove my Mom bananas, and shopping with me was a JOY. I too have been overweight for a long time, although CBT for eating has gotten me to what I weighed when I was 13, and I'm happy and comfortable and enjoying being an effing size 14. If I had no skin or muscles, i would be a size 14 -- the frame is one thing you cannot change no matter how hard you try.

What I completely love is that my clothing has become an object of fascination for the ladies who attend my church. I'm told that there are whispers when I show up in LUlaRoe Lace skirt and a jumper that matches the turquoise waistband there are whispers of "what on earth is she wearing now?!" Not anything you'll see on anybody else. And that's my whole point.

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Powerful thinking, as always.

I’ve always found it fascinating in the case of kohl, specifically used to protect the eyes transmuted to a beauty/fashion

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