Would either/both of you maybe publish a post that's pure reading list some time? I've gotten certain texts because they were recommended at one point but I would love to have what you think of as your foundational stuff all in one place. Just ordered Fashion, Desire and Anxiety from my interlibrary loan program

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sure! that would be fun, i’ll talk to jess about it

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I love that this episode mentions Andy Goldworthy (Rivers and Tides doc is a meditation - highly recommended for these troubling times) and Mr. Beast. High-brow, low-brow at its best. Love it! Wish you ladies were doing this more than once a month!

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rivers and tides is amazing!! and we’re doing it twice a month now, you just have to subscribe to one of our newsletters to get the other episode

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Foam as fashion also has intense Cinderella undercurrents! A built in deadline, heightened risk

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